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The Power of Prayer

November 14, 2024 by Victor Carcioppolo (Ohio, USA)

Over the course of my life’s journey I have come to realize the power of intentional, deliberate prayer. I used to tell people I would pray for them without any real intent. Now I say, “Let’s pray right now.” I’ve never had a person decline. The Upper Room has been my go-to daily devotional for more than a decade. I often reply to my Upper Room family in the online community here at with words of encouragement or answer prayer requests then add them to my own personal prayer list.

This past week has been spiritually and emotionally challenging for me and my wife. I found myself in need of prayer. I had a meeting with my son for our first dialogue of any sort in almost a year. On my knees, I went to my Upper Room family asking for specific prayer. Within minutes I had forty replies of prayer from as far as the east is from the west. In an hour, over sixty. I was humbled and moved that my Upper Room family thought enough of me and lifted me up by showing me the love of Christ. Prior to the meeting, I am certain my son and I rehearsed what we were going to say, but the Holy Spirit took charge from the start and answered every prayer. During the meeting, there was hopeful, healthy, reconciliatory words of resolve only possible through the power and love of Jesus.

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The mission of The Upper Room daily devotional guide is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day. Read more about The Upper Room here.

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Image by: Guy MOLL