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December 2024 Wednesday Study Questions

November 25, 2024 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

December 4: No Greater Love

1. What does it mean to you to love one another as Jesus loved us? How do you live out this command? How have you witnessed others living it out?
2. When have you received care from someone else? What was it like? What did it teach you about caregiving?
3. When have you witnessed a person laying down their life for another? What happened? How did this sacrifice impact others?
4. When have you shown sacrificial love to someone? What led you to make that sacrifice? How did this experience change the way you relate to and understand Jesus’ sacrificial love?
5. Who in your life needs your love and care today? In what ways can you show them sacrificial love?

December 11: Celebrate the Moment

1. Why do you think we commonly want to photograph the beautiful sights we encounter? Do you think this prevents us from fully enjoying the present moment? Why or why not?
2. When have you been reminded to stay present and enjoy the moment? What changes within you when you decide to be fully present?
3. Who in your life encourages you to enjoy each moment? How do they do this? In what ways do you see this person being present and grateful?
4. What scripture verses best remind you of the value of each moment? How do these verses encourage you to embrace each day with gratitude?
5. Pause for a moment to reflect on the wonders around you right now. How does taking time to appreciate these wonders inspire gratitude in you?

December 18: Beautiful Lights

1. What Christmas displays bring you the most joy? Do you enjoy the lights and decorations around Christmastime? Why or why not?
2. Have you ever entered the Christmas season with a heavy spirit? What was it like going through the Christmas season feeling this way? Where did you find moments of light despite the heaviness you were experiencing?
3. Who has brought Christ’s light to you in a difficult time? What did they do? How did connecting with Christ’s light change your situation?
4. What prayers and scripture verses comfort you when you are heavy-hearted? In what ways do these prayers and verses connect you to God and God’s light?
5. How will you show others the light of God this Christmas season? Name three ways you can weave God’s light through the lives of those in your community this year.

December 25: A Son Is Given

1. How do you imagine Joseph and Mary felt when Jesus was born? What do you think it might have been like to hear Jesus’ first cry?
2. Do you find it easy to forget that Jesus is the most perfect gift? Why or why not? How do you keep Jesus and the gift of salvation at the forefront of your Christmas celebrations?
3. In what ways does God’s eternal love for you inspire you to love others? How do you show love to others this time of year and all year round?
4. When did you accept the gift of salvation? How has that gift changed your life?
5. What scripture verses remind you of the value of God’s gift of salvation? How can you take time today to thank God for this awesome gift?

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Image by: Guy MOLL