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2024 Advent Worship Litanies

November 1, 2024 by Terrell L McTyer

Love Anticipates

There is a difference between anxiety and anticipation. Anxiety is worry about what might happen. Anticipation is hope for what will probably happen. On Christmas Eve, my children shouldn’t have anxiety about what they might get for Christmas. Based on my track record, the likelihood of their getting what they want is high, so they barely sleep because of anticipation — the hope for what will likely happen. When have you experienced the joy of someone loving you enough to anticipate what you want or need? You don’t have to ask; they just seem to know. Love listens actively and pays attention so that it can one day fulfill another’s needs.

Christ loves us and wants to give us abundant life. Our shortcomings are not a surprise to God. God knew us before the pioneering of the planet and set a plan in motion to love us. Love is prophetic. It makes us hear from God and intercede. Love makes us the answer instead of just passively praying for a reply. Through the practice of anticipation, Advent teaches us how to love with purpose.

First Sunday of Advent
Read: Psalm 25:1-10
Light the first Advent candle.
Express: “Take me by the hand; lead me down the path of truth. You are my Savior, aren’t you?” (Ps. 25:5, MSG).
We begin the season of Advent by reaching for God. Like a toddler who stretches out to her mother, we extend our arms with great anticipation that the love of Christ will respond and receive us. We lift our hands and look to God who will gently guide us in perfect peace.
Pray: Lord, teach us to love as you love, unconditionally and without reservation. May our actions and words be a reflection of your enduring compassion. Amen.
Challenge: As you navigate life’s challenges, let God’s love be your constant companion. Open your heart to receive God’s wisdom. May your love be genuine, free from judgment and prejudice, and mirror God’s perfect love that casts out fear.

Second Sunday of Advent
Read: Philippians 1:3-11
Light the second Advent candle.
Express: “Live a lover’s life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God” (Phil. 1:11).
Advent is an opportunity to love more deeply. Seek hidden moments to fill the heart of another with joy, appreciation, and affirmation. Love is the gift that binds us together in Christ. May our lives be filled with the harvest of good works as we walk in the footsteps of Christ, whose love is our ultimate example.
Pray: Lord, strengthen the bonds of love among us, that we may stand firm, unified in purpose and spirit. We wait upon you, our trustworthy source of encouragement and support. Amen.
Challenge: Lift your loved ones to the Lord. Pray they become partners in the gospel and fellow recipients of God’s grace. Pray that they are granted the discernment to choose the way of righteousness in all circumstances.

Third Sunday of Advent
Read: Philippians 4:4-7
Light the third Advent candle.
Express: “Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him! Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you’re on their side, working with them and not against them” (Phil. 4:4-5).
As Christmas approaches, giving becomes top of mind, while the worry of not receiving a gift lingers. But we are related to the most extravagant giver, who gave his only Son; whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Follow this leadership. Give everything just as Jesus did — your kindness, your service, your gifts, your time, your affection!
Pray: Lord, as we navigate life’s complexities, we bring our relationships before you. Teach us to let our gentleness be evident to all as we remember that you are near. Amen.
Challenge: Prioritize giving. Concentrate on what is authentic, honorable, just, pure, beautiful, and respectable. Let your thoughts and actions be guided by the love that flows from God’s heart.

Fourth Sunday of Advent
Read: Luke 1:46-55
Light the fourth Advent candle.
Express: “I’m bursting with God-news; I’m dancing the song of my Savior God” (Lk. 1:46).
Worshipful waiting is focused less on the pending manifestation and more on what you do until the arrival. When love fuels the anticipation, worship and adoration grace the journey, thus making the destination more praiseworthy.
Pray: Lord, we thank you for your boundless love — a beacon of hope and redemption, lifting the humble and filling the hungry with good things. Help us to surrender to your will with humility and faith as Mary did. Amen.
Challenge: Reflect on Mary’s love for God and humanity as a way of motivating yourself to love with courage and commitment. Like her, be a willing vessel for God’s purposes, allowing God’s love to flow through you to the lives of those around you.

Christmas Eve/Day
Read: Isaiah 9:2-7
Light the Christ candle.
Express: “For a child has been born — for us! the gift of a son — for us!” (Isa. 9:6).
The birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, brings a joyous end to our hopeful anticipation. We praise God for this wonderful act of intercession and love!
Pray: Lord, thank you for giving us the most amazing gift of love, your Son. We rejoice today for the light, justice, and peace he brings to the world. Amen.
Challenge: Reveal God’s love to others in your community through acts of compassion, mercy, and grace.

— Terrell L McTyer
Former Executive Director,
Marketing and Innovation,
The Upper Room

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Image by: Guy MOLL