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October 2024 Wednesday Study Questions

September 25, 2024 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

October 2: Pour Out Your Heart

1. When you find yourself overwhelmed with topics to pray about, what do you do? What are your prayers like?
2. Recall a time when you called out to God and received an answer right away. How did the answer change your outlook on prayer?
3. Do you ever worry that your concerns won’t be taken care of if you don’t pray for them specifically? What verses remind you that God knows and cares for your concerns even if you don’t voice them?
4. Is it easy or difficult for you to focus on one thing at a time when you pray? What reminds you to take your time as you pour out your heart to God?
5. How do your prayers change when you trust God’s faithfulness and guidance? How does trusting God to answer your prayers affect your faith journey and your relationship with God?

October 9: Serving Others

1. Do you participate in any community outreach programs? If so, what are they? If not, in what other ways do you contribute to your community?
2. When have you had to go without something that helped you get by financially? What happened? How did you make do without it?
3. Who has cared for you in a time of need? What did they do? How did their kindness and service change your situation or perspective?
4. What gifts and skills has God given you that inspire you to serve others? Where do you see these talents making a difference for others and easing their burdens?
5. What opportunities do you see today to invest in others’ lives by serving them? How will you take advantage of those opportunities and show others the love of Christ?

October 16: Strength to Move Forward

1. What plant or animal has given you a new perspective on how to persevere in hard times? Why did it give you that perspective?
2. When have you experienced a loss that required you to 
readjust? What helped you heal from your loss?
3. Why do you think the process of adjusting to loss takes time and looks different for everyone? What are some important lessons that you have learned while healing from loss?
4. What scripture verses encourage you when you are experiencing loss and heartbreak? What verses remind you that God is near? 5. When has God healed your crushed spirit? Who or what did God use to bring about your healing and give you strength? Who in your faith community has recently experienced a loss? What will you do to help them?

October 23: Consistent Practice

1. What activity has shown you the importance of daily practice? How do your abilities and skills change based on whether you engage in that activity daily?
2. Why do you think consistent practice is important in developing and maintaining skills? Do you find it easy or difficult to practice something consistently? Why?
3. What faith practices do you find most meaningful? Do you practice them daily? How do these practices influence your life and your relationship with God?
4. When have you neglected your faith practices? What caused you to neglect them? What led you back to consistent faith practice?
5. Who in your life encourages you to stay engaged in your faith practice? How does their encouragement help you? How do you encourage others?

October 30: New Every Morning

1. Do you relate to the writer of Lamentations in the same way as the author of the meditation? Why or why not? What other scripture writers can you relate to? Why?
2. When you are going through a painful time, do you ever feel hopeless? What scripture passages bring you hope and peace in such times?
3. Recall three instances when God showed you mercy and faithfulness by helping you through a tough situation. How does recalling those times remind you that God will help you through any difficult situation you face?
4. What does it mean to you that you are made strong by the grace of God? What scripture verses, prayers, and spiritual practices help you embrace the strength God offers?
5. When are you most aware of God’s daily mercy and compassion? How does remembering God’s mercy and compassion change the way you respond to challenges?

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Image by: Guy MOLL