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May 2024 Wednesday Study Questions

April 24, 2024 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

May 1: From Loss to Abundance

1. When have you seen a loss bring an opportunity for new growth and flourishing? Why do you think we sometimes need to lose something to grow?
2. How do you respond when you experience loss? Do you find it easy or difficult to look for the positive aspects of the situation? How has your response to loss changed over time?
3. When have you noticed God filling the spaces of loss in your life? How did God’s presence change your situation? How did your relationship with God grow as a result?
4. Where have you found beauty and joy despite loss and mourning? How do your faith and your community help you find joy and love in the face of loss?
5. What does it mean to you to allow your scars of loss to be markers of where God brought new light into your life? How do you find a balance between accepting the pain of loss and looking for God’s love and light?

May 8: One Day at a Time

1. When you wake up feeling anxious, what activities or spiritual practices bring you comfort and hope?
2. How do you interact with the artwork on the covers of The Upper Room? In what ways can religious art help us think about scripture stories and characters in new ways?
3. Is it challenging for you to wait on God’s provision? Do you ever wish you could store up provisions or predict future blessings? What helps you trust in God’s care?
4. Do you pray the Lord’s Prayer regularly? How does it encourage you in your faith? What other prayers encourage you as you wait on God’s care?
5. How does it feel knowing that God will provide what you need one day at a time? What scripture passages help you to trust in and wait on God’s provision?

May 15: Faith of a Farmer

1. How does the image of a farmer’s faith in planting seeds encourage you? What other activities serve as examples of unwavering faith that the work we begin will eventually bear fruit?
2. When have you planted seeds without knowing whether they would grow? Did you eventually see the fruits of your labor, or are you still unsure what the outcome will be?
3. Who in scripture reminds you of the importance of persevering in faith even when we don’t know what the future holds? In what ways can you strive to follow their example?
4. When have you planted a seed that didn’t grow? How did you respond? Do you think there is still a chance the seed will bear fruit in time? Why or why not?
5. How do you witness to others each day? Do you think your witness will bring an abundant harvest? What new ways might you show God’s goodness and love to others this week?

May 22: Sabbath Rest

1. What do sabbath days look like for you? How has your idea of a sabbath day changed over the course of your life?
2. Do you struggle to relax and devote time to God? Why or why not? What does it look like for you to set aside time with God?
3. How does the Creation story remind you of the value of both work and rest? Do you ever find yourself prioritizing one over the other? What helps you remember to prioritize both?
4. Why do you think society tends to value work more than rest? Do you ever struggle to view rest as worship and obedience to God? Why or why not?
5. What scripture verses remind you of the importance of sabbath rest? In what ways could your week look different if you spent more time resting with God?

May 29: Never Shaken

1. Have you ever had health concerns or received a frightening diagnosis? Describe that experience. How did you respond?
2. Recall a time when you prayed but did not receive the outcome you were hoping for. How did you feel? How did the experience affect your relationship with God?
3. When you are going through a challenging time, do you ever ask Why me? What other questions do you ask in such times? Where do you turn for answers?
4. When you are experiencing painful circumstances, when and where do you see God most clearly? Where is God’s presence most visible in your life today?
5. What helps you to trust in God’s will even when things do not go as you want them to? How does choosing to trust God’s will help you be at peace and remain steadfast in your faith?

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Image by: Guy MOLL