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April 2024 Wednesday Study Questions

March 27, 2024 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

April 3: The Project

1. Have you ever given up on something only to realize later that it was flourishing? Why did you give up? What did you learn?
2. Why do you think children are able to demonstrate hopeful faith so beautifully? Why do you think adults sometimes struggle to maintain this same type of faith?
3. Do you find it easy or difficult to hold on to hope and faith when you are discouraged or struggling? Why? What 
spiritual practices, activities, or Bible verses help you hold fast even in trying times?
4. Have you ever doubted God or scripture? Why or why not? What helps you continue trusting in God and scripture when doubts creep in?
5. Who in scripture serves as the best example for you of trusting God in the face of adversity? How did they respond to their circumstances? In what ways do you strive to follow their example?

April 10: Are You Sure, Lord?

1. When it seems like everything in your life is a mess, do you ever feel like a failure? Why or why not? What helps you get through such times?
2. When have you been offered an opportunity that you did not expect? What was the situation? What did that experience teach you about yourself and about God?
3. When you feel unworthy to serve God in a certain way, what scripture passages remind you that we are all worthy to serve God? How are you encouraged by those verses?
4. Do you feel like you need to hide the messy and imperfect parts of your life? Why or why not? What happens when you allow others to see those parts of your life?
5. How are you encouraged to know that you are not alone in your struggles? How do you show others that it’s okay not to have everything figured out? In what ways do you think this kind of honesty and humility strengthens a faith community?

April 17: Anchored

1. When you are in the middle of a stressful or unexpected situation, what thoughts run through your mind? Do you easily feel God’s peace in those moments? Why or why not?
2. Have you ever wondered where God was in your situation? Did you ultimately find God in the situation? Describe your experience.
3. When do you most clearly feel anchored by God? How does your relationship with God change depending on whether you feel anchored or tossed around as if at sea?
4. Recall a time when remembering a scripture or devotional reading helped you through overwhelming circumstances. What about that reading did you cling to? In what ways did it help you?
5. Have you ever felt a warm glow of peace from God? If so, what were the circumstances? If not, what other ways have you felt God’s peace?

April 24: God Provides Strength

1. When have you felt like you had no hope of succeeding at something? How did you respond? What was the outcome of the situation?
2. How do you encourage those around you to try again even when they don’t think they can? How do you help others remember to fix their eyes on God when they feel discouraged or weary?
3. Do you find it hard to do something when you expect to fail? Why or why not? Who or what in your life encourages you to push forward anyway?
4. What does your motivation to keep going look like when you focus on the obstacles in front of you? What does it look like when you are focused on God and God’s promises? How does your motivation change based on your focus?
5. What does it mean to you to be surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses? How are you encouraged by them and the people around you to keep running the race marked for you? In what ways do you encourage those around you to do the same?

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Image by: Guy MOLL