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A Worldwide God

November 2, 2023 by Cheryl A. Paden (Nebraska, USA)

I opened my laptop to my video conferencing page. Each week, my international Bible study met online. I saw my Christian friends as they popped into view on the screen. We gathered from all around the world — Bangalore, Nigeria, Kabul, Idaho, California, Florida. 

As I studied scripture with these women, I marveled at the enormity of God and how universal the Holy Spirit is. There is a sameness of God across all nations and peoples. Many of my Christian friends are facing unique challenges, including drought, fires, shortages, disease, or terrorism. Despite the differences, all of us needed one another’s prayers and support. God spans the globe, and God’s word speaks to us with unity and yet intimately at the same time. 

Each morning as I open my copy of The Upper Room, I pray for that day’s author and note the country they are from. I am reminded of God’s sovereignty and that God is the same God throughout the world.

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The mission of The Upper Room daily devotional guide is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day. Read more about The Upper Room here.

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Image by: Guy MOLL