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July-August 2023 - Fishers of Men

July 1, 2023 by Nancy Cason

Amber Harr was only 17 when — inspired by a photograph of young Kenyans net-casting from a boat — she painted the cover image, Fishers of Men. She explains, “This painting reminds me of what Jesus’ disciples were doing when Jesus showed up and completely changed their lives.”*

Indeed, the vibrant contrast of orange against the blue sky and sea draws our attention to the fishing nets. But the slight bodies and featureless faces of the young fishermen seem at odds with the larger-than-life disciples that we know as Simon and his brother Andrew, and James and John, the sons of Zebedee. The synoptic Gospels tell the remarkable story of Jesus calling these men away from their nets to become apostles who would travel extensively — preaching, teaching, healing the sick, casting out demons, baptizing people, and planting churches — all while facing relentless persecution.

It’s easy to wonder why Jesus would choose these ordinary men for a mission that would radically change not only their lives but the course of history. But Jesus saw their potential and said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of people” (Matt. 4:19, NRSVUE). It was only by following Jesus through his earthly ministry that they were prepared to carry the gospel message to the world.

Perhaps the incomplete faces of Harr’s fishermen provide an analogy for the apostles, and for all of us. Jesus’ call to serve is not based on our being fully formed for such work but on the change that he can work in each of us if we respond to his call to follow.


Cover art courtesy of Amber Harr. ©2015 Amber Harr. Prints of cover art available from or [email protected].

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Image by: Guy MOLL